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     The Curve is a YORK HIGHlights tradition, serving our artistic community here at York High. In the print version of the newspaper, the back page was home to The Curve, where you could find student artwork, poetry, photography, or even short stories. If you have any such artistic ability and would like to share your talents with us, contact any student listed on the Contact Us page with your ideas. For artwork, electronic submissions are preferred, but we can work with original works as well.

The Curve

Some of the bubble men hanging out in the hall outside art teacher Jill Anders' classroom.

Photos by Estephanie De La Cruz

Who cares??

Who cares about us

If we just ..fight ..kill and cuss

Aint your life hard enough

And we just make it harder

We become more stupid ..instead of gettin' smarter

We're so worried about what we wear to school today

Instead of our G.P.A.

Goin' to jail gives us a ...hood reputation

But what about ..when we have to fill out a application

Does anybody care at all

When we're small we dream big ..when we're big we dream small

I know I cant save the world ..but I'm trying

Too many young people ..are dying

Because they never had a chance ..since birth

Are they goin' to heaven .....or under the dirt

Who cares about us

There's nobody left to trust

Our kids walk around with a chip on their shoulder

If you want to impress me...get your diploma

The odds are already against us

Who's gonna be the next to represent us

Aint nobody gonna give you ....nothing

It's time to stand for something

We dont want to vote ..but we want to complain

We dont want to hope ..we want to sell cocaine

We were hung by ropes ..and shackled by chains

Like the ones we wear around our necks ..with a cross

We have become lost the shuffle

What happend to the struggle

Who cares about us

Aint these streets ...tough enough

But the thing that bothers me

Is when a little boy committs armed robbery

Look at the direction we're headed in

They put our kids on medicine

And that just keeps them down On the streets police ..beat them down And they laugh when we disconnect from each other

When we talk back ..and disrespect our mothers

Our babies just dont want to behave

Look at this mess...that we have made

So for myself I've seen enough

Lets get our act together and clean it u

If your down but not out ...because life aint fair

Who cares about us ... I'm Conscious ..and I care

UncleProcPoetry (C) 2007

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